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「GIRI-GIRI 橘奈々子」の良くある質問 by Yahoo!知恵袋
Q.英文を日本語に訳してください。These days, we tend to drink more fruit juice, soft drinks, tea and coffee than H2O, but the following story may change our minds. Some 20 years ago, a doctor who was in person for political reasons was unable to obtain medicine for a prisoner in terrible stomach pain, so he treated him instead with water and the man recovered. From this and many other similar cases, the doctor developed his "water theory " which was based on the data that many common illnesses are caused by not drinking  enough water. Since then,he has treated thousands of patients with plain water.He recommends drinking a minimum of one full glass of water half an hour before each meal and another full glass two hours after each meal.
Q.海外通販時に来たメールで以下の意味がわかりません。We should normally have them at the end of the upcoming week.Would it be ok for you to wait or do you prefer a refund?わかる方、意味を教えて下さい。ちなみにメールの全文は以下の通りです。Fist of all: We are terribly sorry - we were absolutely convinced that we had written to you! We are currently waiting for a new delivery of the cups you ordered (we don't have enough to deliver your full order). We should normally have them at the end of the upcoming week.Would it be ok for you to wait or do you prefer a refund?以上になります。私は英語が苦手なのですがわけあって海外通販をすることになりました。自分では手に負えないので、どなたか英語が堪能な方の知識をお借りしたく思います。相手先(海外のショップ)へ返事をしなければならないようなので、なるべく早めに知りたいです。宜しくお願いします。
A.We should normally have them at the end of the upcoming week.Would it be ok for you to wait or do you prefer a refund?(お求めの品は)来週の末頃には入荷する予定です。お待ちになりますか?それとも返金のほうがよろしいでしょうか?Fist of all: We are terribly sorry - we were absolutely convinced that we had written to you! 本当に申し訳ありませんーこの旨はもうすでにご連絡を差し上げたと思い込んでおりました。We are currently waiting for a new delivery of the cups you ordered (we don't have enough to deliver your full order). We should normally have them at the end of the upcoming week.今現在、お客様のご注文のカップの入荷を待っている状態です。(ご注文の品数が現在の在庫では足りません)来週の末までには入荷する予定です。Would it be ok for you to wait or do you prefer a refund?お待ちになりますか?それとも返金のほうがよろしいでしょうか?


 full of love
 happy girl full
 喜多村英梨 happy girl full
 full of Happiness
 my sweet lady full
 full boost
 full of harmony
 tell your world full
 逆光のフリューゲル full
 二言目 full

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